Computer Cheques, Manual Cheques, Personal Cheques, Deposit Books. Many options for cheque styles and bodies.
• Computer Compatible Laser and Continuous cheques. We have pre-set bodies for most computer programs and if we don’t have one, we will reset from your customer’s previous sample – no extra charge.
• 1 or 2 to a page Hand Written Business cheques. Simply choose a stub, a body and a background cover, supply us with a previous sample for the information and we will do the rest. We even sell the binders and ship them with the cheques.
• Personal Cheques. Pre-set body with 3 background options booked with 2 sheets of cheque register – set up, proof.
• 2 or 3 part Deposit Books.Personalized and ready for use.
Computer Cheques
Laser computer Cheques
Manual Cheques
Personal Cheques
Deposit Books
Deposit books